Saturday, January 20, 2024

Blog Post #1

 Top Five Sources of News and Information

Before I begin discussing my top sources of news and information, I think it is important to clarify that I don't watch or read the news that much. 

Most things I care about happen online, mainly video games updates, patches, and new releases, etc. As such, most of these sources will be about information for the topic of video games, with a few in here being about where I get my "news" from the real world from. 

So, if anyone finds themselves needing to find good sources of information for the topics I am about to mention, personally I would recommend these sources in the following order.

    1. YouTube

While most people recognize YouTube as a site for fun video content ranging from funny shorts to vlogs to gaming videos, there is still a part of the platform that provides educational content to viewers. 

In some of my free time I will go onto YouTube just for this content from channels like Veritasium, Tom Scott, Oversimplified, ChannelFrederator, The Game Theorists (along with its many other sister channels), and RealLifeLore. There are many other channels I haven't listed that fit into this category of content simply due to the sheer number of them. 

However, all of these videos end up causing my curiosity to spike when I see the subject of the video, and still end up leaving me satisfied knowing I learned something from the video ranging from science to a simple fact of 107 that I didn't know about my favorite TV show. 

On another hand, I also learn of news for my favorite pastime, videogames, from channels such as Rival, Ryscu, Vandril, Valorant News - TacticalRab, and Orbital Potato. 

Typically, I view these channels on a daily basis especially since I play most of the games they cover. However, that's not to say that I don't watch other channels for news content on various topics relating to video games either, as I definitely do, but once again there are just too many to list. 

Generally, I like this source of content as it is very easy to watch and learn the content, so as seen from my two lists above, there are many channels you can watch to learn information on YouTube, and as such I would recommend everyone to check them out!


    2. Steam

For the main place where I find news about games I play, I go to Steam. Steam makes the process of finding news quite convenient for games that you care about that are on the platform. Simply under the store tab on either the steam application on your computer or the steam store on the web browser, you can find a separate tab that will take you to your personalized news page (shown below).

On this personalized news page, all news relating to games in your library or on your wishlist are shown for you to view based on when the news came out (newest to oldest). 

Also, from this page you can switch to an overall news page not personalized to you, but based on top sources, and another news page relating to the official Steam blog. On top of this, there is a search feature you can utilize to single out a single game for news just about it alone! As a final addition, when the Steam application is launched it also opens a separate tab called special offers that offers news as well! 

Overall if anyone is searching for news about any game that is happens to be on steam, I would always highly recommend the platform for its great user interface and easy accessibility for players to see the information!

    3. Family and Friends!

For my third source, it is one that is very close to my heart: my friends and family! 

While not always that accessible, I still always find my friends and family giving me some knowledge about what's going on in the news. Like I mentioned before, I don't pay attention to the news much, but my friends and family definitely do! 

As a result, they talk about news a bit and I learn some of what is going on from their conversations some of which they ask my input on. So, while this may be a source that is not commonly used every day due to lack of contact, helpful applications like Discord, Skype, or FaceTime changes this and allows myself to hear about the news from them a lot more than I usually would. 

Of course, I would also recommend everyone to talk to their family and friends about the news, it is always helpful to hear other's opinions on topics as it will usually give you a new perspective on things.

4. MSN

MSN or Microsoft Network is another way I gain news about the real world. 

Personally, I use Microsoft edge for a browser now as it takes up less CPU usage than Chrome, and also provides me a benefit for searching (the Microsoft rewards program), but that is beside the point.

On startup of Microsoft edge, or whenever a new tab is opened, a snippet of MSN news is shown like in the picture below:

This source is highly relevant to the user as well as it allows you to customize what news you see on this page with the personalize tool shown on the far right. It also shows some important information about where you are like the temperature outside and the weather. 

With all of these wonderful and easy to access sources of information on startup, I would also recommend all to check out Microsoft Edge for its news. Finally, all of the news shown here on new tabs can also be found at so that anyone using any browser can find the same information.

5. Apple News

My last source is by far my least used: Apple News. Every once in a while, when I am on my phone, I will go to the farthest left screen to the see the weather or what is special about the day, and as a result I see some trending news stories and top news from Apple News.

Other than this, I don't really use Apple News, but some news stories like the phone falling out of an airplane and surviving have been quite interesting reads that I found out about from Apple News. 

In the end, I don't feel like I can recommend it as I haven't used it that much, but from the stories I've read, it seems quite interesting so it may be something worth checking out.

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